pastie fest


Just sold some pasties to a lovely new ethical lingerie website Saumarez run by the super hot and super fun Victoria Groulef. All the best to Vicky with this new venture.

Been having a bit of a pastie making spree these past few weeks what with the samples for Enamore’s next collections and a new website in the pipeline…



so today I am a published journalist not just a geeky blogger! woop woop!

Thank you Eco Fashion World

Haven’t put up a drawing for ages- even though I probably do manage one a day at the moment- what a let down that must be. Any how here’s quite an old one that I did when designing the hair and make-up for Gwyn’s video. You can see from the video stills that it came out rather spot on, so a hearty thank you to Valerie at Brooks and Brooks hairdressing for that incredible quiff and also to Lauren Ward for some superb sparkly red eye dots.

long lost suns


I did some styling for a band a couple of weeks ago, Long Lost Suns and got a chance to make use of the pheasant feather eyelashes again. Turned out to be a great day for photos- Can I get some LENS FLAAAAARE

Enamore Baby


So here’s me as a nine months pregnant pin up- wearing my beautiful maternity camisole that Jenny knocked me up (pardon the pun) specially. If you want one then you’ll have to join the petition for Enamore maternity lingerie… perhaps posting in the facebook fan page would be a good start and while we’re at it I think us maternal milk maids deserve some fabulous vintage inspired yet wonderfully ethical nursing bras to see us through the raising of our young…..
(photo mark sherratt)

Finito Bandito


Eventually we ( Mark and I) find ourselves in that happy place where we no longer have anything left to do on a project. Namely the Perfect Video for the beautiful and talented Gwyneth which has been edited, rendered, soundtracked (thanks a cajillion to Ben George and Heather Bell) and sent off to the label for them to decide what to do with it- hopefully available on an internet blog near you in the not toooo distant future. I’ve decided to post some sneaky shots of the styling-the pretty restaurant we used, La Vie en Rose, on Broadway Market (where Gwyn fits in a perfect treat I think you’ll agree) and the two lovely little co-stars all dressed up in their finery.

this one is possible my favourite because it shows- to their full advantage- the metres and metres of ruffles that I stitched onto and under and on and around this dress…

and when you’ve spent almost a month (hyperbole employed) at a sewing machine with a long trail of tulle half circles spanning the room behind you, that sort of picture gains a certain status that’s not entirely based on rationality.
In all of these photos Gwyn wears a super soft organic alpaca cardigan from one of my most favourite ethical brands- Miksani which I finally managed to dye scarlet using kool aid….. God bless america.

Looking forward to the video being out and about and hopefully some Holloway-Smith Femme for Gwyneth Herbert t-shirt designs appearing in your fashion conciousnesses.

Gosh I’ve been so appallingly slack with posting- I now have an incredibly long white beard- you wouldn’t recognise me. It’s mostly because I’ve had so much entirely fun, unbelievably interesting and downright bloggable things going on.

I’ll try and get back up to speed but in the meantime here’s a little film from a shoot that I co-styled with the wonderful Jenny Ambrose, for her beautiful range of sustainable lingerie- Watch out for tiny straw hats and naughty but nice pasties cos those are what I make, although enjoy it all.

I shot this on my beautiful new 7d that me and my co-conspiritor –Mark Sherratt will be using in a variety of challenging and avantegarde film projects over the rest of our lives. Not least the filming of the imminent birth of Wayne Jnr but also including some projections for Gwyneth Herbert and a music video for a band I would have definitely listened to when I was 15 years old. ACE

I’ve been spending inordinate amounts of time trawling the internet for some vintage strawberry print fabric and it turned out the vintage textile dealer that I use had some all along! -and its much more beautiful than anything I saw on Ebay.

Thanks a million to Sandie at Rag Rescue for hooking me up with this lovely little bit of antique quilt- I just wish there was more of it! However its exactly what I’m looking for for the summer gift hampers I’m making for Enamore. That’s right, you can breathe a huge sigh of relief and stop searching for that birthday/wedding/thanks for being great/sorry I missed your birthday/wedding present for your bestest chum- Enamore will soon be able to sell you the perfect vintage inspired, ethical summer gift. dah dah dah dah dah dah daaaaaah ‘strawberries and champagne baskets of burlesque’; beautiful organic cotton panties with vintage strawberry print ruffles, saucy strawberry pasties (nipple tassels without tassels, surely you know that by now), vintage champagne flutes, probably a bottle of organic sparkly and definitely a beautiful basket to reuse for all those pick-your-own adventures. Check back soon for prototype-pant sneak previews.
Still on the sewing theme- I naughtily risked divorce and spent some money that I didn’t really have on one of my most favouritist brands- Rice, a danish fairtrade home-ware brand that make skittles look like they exist only in sepia tones. Not least on my shopping list were these pretty little pins, seen here as part of the cutting out stage for Gwyn’s music video dress.

I hope that I won’t have to buy anymore pins for a little while, now that I have these babies- the strategy is that if I find them in the sweepings I’ll be more likely to pick them out and save them, normally I just let my pins go in the bin, I’m not proud of this……. and they make my sewing look so much more romantic that I’m less likely to leave it to the last minute, not much less but definitely less!



Finally I’m drawing jewellery again- what a relief that I didn’t just waste 3 years learning to silver smith!
Here’s a little sneaky preview of the necklace I’m designing for Gwyn- inspired by her single and available for sale on her website veeeeeeeery soon. Looking forward to visiting Smile plastics in the midlands to make up some custom recycled plastic with vintage white sequins embedded in it- oooooooooo. I’ve been wanting to work with that company for ages- I used a sample of the Dapple in red on a necklace I made (which might get a TV appearance this week!) and no-one can believe it’s made of polystyrene cups!

Perfect Fit


Exciting new developments with Gwyn’s video- like this beautiful woodland cottage- complete with a stream and ducks and beams aplenty.
Not to mention excellent fairtrade brand Miksani are letting us use and abuse one of their gorgeous hand knitted alpaca wool cardigans.

Check back to see Nicola and I up to our elbows in a bucket full of red dye! Which leads me on nicely to say a massive thank you to Nicola whose agreed to get involved with the ‘costumes’ for this extravaganza and came over yesterday while we cut a tiny dolls version of Gwyn’s fairytale-freakout dress which I accidentally designed to be much too complicated!